PCBA Reworking

PCBA Reworking

At Rise SG Hitech, we specialize in providing top-notch PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) reworking and reballing services. Our skilled technicians and cutting-edge equipment ensure that your electronic components are in safe hands, even if they require intricate repairs or replacements.

PCBA Reworking

PCBA reworking involves repairing and modifying circuit boards to rectify issues such as soldering defects, faulty components, or design flaws. Our experienced team excels in diagnosing and correcting a wide range of problems, saving you time and money by avoiding the need to manufacture new boards.

Solder Joint Repairs
When there are weak or broken solder joints on a PCB, it can cause intermittent connections or complete failures. We carefully inspect and repair these joints, ensuring a strong and reliable connection.

Component Replacement
Defective or obsolete components can be removed and replaced with new ones, extending the life of your PCB and keeping your devices functional.

BGA Rework
Ball Grid Array (BGA) components are notoriously difficult to rework due to their densely packed pins. Our skilled technicians are well-versed in BGA reballing and reworking, resolving issues like BGA shorts and open connections.

PCBA Reballing

PCBA reballing is a specialized process to restore BGA components by replacing their solder balls. This method is particularly useful when BGA components suffer from solder ball fractures or when they need to be salvaged from old PCBs.

BGA Component Salvage
If you have components on an outdated PCB that you want to reuse in a new design, our reballing service can help you refurbish and repurpose those components.

Solder Ball Replacement
Over time, the solder balls on BGA components can become brittle or damaged, leading to connection issues. Our reballing process replaces these balls with fresh, reliable solder, restoring the component to its optimal condition.

At Rise SG Hitech, we take pride in offering these PCBA reworking and reballing services with the utmost attention to detail, ensuring that your PCBs are restored to peak performance. Whether you’re dealing with complex BGA components or standard SMD packages, we’ve got you covered.

Trust our expertise to save you time, money, and headaches, while ensuring your electronics work flawlessly. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist with your PCBA reworking and reballing needs.